Saturday, April 28, 2018

CAN I TRUST THE BIBLE? The Logical Rationale, Part 6

I cannot prove to you that the Bible is true if you do not want to believe.  There are still people who do not believe that man walked on the moon.  If you are willing to examine the evidence with an open mind, you will find plenty to lead you to believe that it is reasonable to trust the Bible.  Here are some more scientific statements in Scripture.
The Bible speaks of hydrology.

For He draws up drops of water,
Which distill as rain from the mist,
Which the clouds drop down
And pour abundantly on man.
  (Job 36:27-28)
All the rivers run into the sea,
Yet the sea is not full;
To the place from which the rivers come,
There they return again. 
Science calls this the hydrologic cycle and it is described in what is likely the oldest book in the Bible.
Related to this, Scripture touches on meteorology.

The wind goes toward the south,
And turns around to the north;
The wind whirls about continually,
And comes again on its circuit.

To establish a weight for the wind,
And apportion the waters by measure.
(Job 28:25a)
The fact that air has weight was proven scientifically only about three centuries ago.  We call this barometric pressure.  The movement and pressure of the air around us affects weather patterns.  The God who established these patterns knew what is a recent scientific discovery.
Furthermore, the Bible deals with paleontology.  Everyone wants to know, “What about dinosaurs?”  There were dinosaurs and some walked among men.  Two species are described in Job 40:15-41:34. It is interesting that in ancient cultures around the world there were legends of dragons and sea monsters.  Some might even insist there is still one hanging around Loch Ness.  These legends I am convinced are based in reality.  Job knew of such beasts.
Scripture also speaks to physics.  One such place is 2 Peter 3:10, “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.”  In World War 2, the race was on to discover the ultimate weapon—to find a way to split the atom and release great fire and fury.  We did that and the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened less than a century ago.  Man has harnessed that energy for productive purposes, as well—and generates electric power by nuclear fission.  One day, God is going to split the atom in judgment, that He might reform the elements into new heavens and a new earth! 
These truths are meant to be more than informational—they are meant to be transformational!  The Word of God that speaks to the physical universe with clarity, can be trusted to speak to the metaphysical with confidence.  Science cannot.  The Bible does.  It tells us about heaven and hell—and that everyone of us will spend eternity in one or the other.  We are told that through faith in Jesus we can be forgiven of our sins.  His death and resurrection in this physical realm have made it possible to have eternal life in the spiritual domain. 
Scripture speaks to the will of God for the believer in this world.  Sadly, I will hear church members sometimes say, “I know the Bible says, but…” which is something we dare not say.  If the Bible says it, that settles it. 
The church must be faithful to the Word.  Is that true of the church you attend?  If not, then you should look for one that believes, preaches, teaches, and seeks to live according to God’s Word.  None will get it right 100% of the time—only heaven affords that kind of environment—but, we sure need to aim at that goal!

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