Monday, April 23, 2018


People have many opinions about the Bible.  Gentlemen’s Quarterly just published an article of 21 books they say aren’t worth reading despite their reputation as great books. The Bible is listed at No. 12 because, they opine, it is “not the finest thing that man has ever produced.” They state, “Those who have read it know there are some good parts, but overall it is certainly not the finest thing that man has ever produced,” and that, “It is repetitive, self-contradictory, sententious, foolish, and even at times ill-intentioned.”  To that, I would simply say, many more people purchase copies of the Bible than GQ, a lot more would know what the Bible is than have ever heard of GQ, and when that magazine is relegated to the trash pile of human history, the Word of God will endure!

So, there are certainly many opinions about the Bible.  But, opinions are like armpits—everybody has them and some of them stink!

But, the question before us is, “Can I trust the Bible?”  Many of our congregation (I would hope ALL) would quickly and emphatically answer, “Yes!” 

Then, if I follow up with, “Why do you trust it?” I would get a lot of responses like:

      “I just do!”
      “It’s a matter of faith.” 
      “It’s what I was taught.” 
      “The Bible claims it is the Word of God.” 

These may be satisfactory answers for conservative Christians, but they will not assure the child who is confronted by a skeptical teacher or friend; those answers will not satisfy a lot of those that the church should be trying to reach in the community who doubt the Bible. 

Here is a better response: The existence of God and the nature of man provide the logical rationale for why we must have the Bible.  Although the Bible is not a science textbook, the science expressed in the text is remarkable.

There is a logical rationale that we will follow in this series.  We will set forth a reasonable proposition and scientific proof.  I hope this will encourage you to read, study, believe, obey, and share the Word of God.

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