Monday, May 07, 2018

CAN I TRUST THE BIBLE? The Experiential Testimony, Part 1

The proof of the pudding is in the eating and the evidence of lives transformed by truth adds weight to the Bible’s claims.  When we add this to our previous lessons concerning the logical rationale for believing the Bible and the internal and external evidence to back it up, there is every reason to answer, “Can I trust the Bible?” with a resounding, “Yes!” 

Consider first THE MIRACULOUS POWER OF SCRIPTURE PROMISED.   Psalm 19:7-11 presents ten promises of the power of the Word of God.  We will look at the first five today.

1.  IT CONVERTS THE SOUL.  The Bible is perfect—complete—nothing needing to be added or amended, subtracted or retracted.  Though it doesn’t tell us all there is to know, or want to know, it tells us all we need to know.  Its power is to convert—to change us—from sinners to saints.  That is an ongoing process which the Scriptures accomplish in us.

2.  IT TEACHES THE SIMPLE.  It is sure—infallible—and will impart the very wisdom of God!  The word “simple” in the original language is rooted in a term for a door.  A simple person has the door of the ears open to everything so that whatever deception or delusion is given access.  The Word of God enters and closes the door.  Then it only opens to the sweet friend of truth and is locked to the knock of the evil foe of error.
3.  IT REJOICES THE SPIRIT.  The Word is right, and it is our joy to hear and heed it.  Sorrow comes when we get life wrong.  Wrong decisions lead to wrong directions and ultimately to wrong destinations.  Hell is the ultimate end of those who get life wrong—a place of unimaginable sorrow.  On the other hand to get life right is to experience joy here and hereafter!  That will bring unending rejoicing.  The Bible marks the right path.

4.  IT ENLIGHTENS THE EYES.  The Scriptures are pure, giving clarity—light to navigate this dark world.  Part of my morning ritual is to clean my glasses before I head out to face the day.  I want to be able to see clearly.  You would not want to see me coming down the road without my glasses.  Everything would be a fog.  A wreck would surely ensue.  When we put on our Bible glasses, God’s Word gives us an always clean lens by which we see things without blurred vision.  Our eyes are enlightened by it.  They even make the invisible things of the spirit world visible!

5.  IT ENDURES THE CHALLENGES.  It is clean—a Holy Bible—and despite all the challenges of the wicked it endures.  Satan’s persistent attack has always been against the Word—doubt and denial.  Recall when the serpent beguiled Eve in the garden, he approached her first with a question to cause doubt, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat...’ ” Then, when she continued the debate, he uttered a denial, “You will not surely die!”  The devil has not changed his modus operandi.  He does not need to; it has been so effective.  Yet, despite all the critics and their assaults, the Word endures!  People may falter, but Scripture will not fail.

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