Tuesday, May 15, 2018


God is aware of the most intimate details of our lives.  He sees the hidden hurts, and feels our deepest sorrow. 

None of our steps are obscured from Him--He counts everyone.  Sometimes those steps take us where we would not wish to go--into deep valleys of grief.  Our earthly wanderings may find us in an unemployment line, a homeless shelter, a hospital room, a divorce court, or a funeral home, for instance.  We are reminded that this world is not home.  We are pilgrims passing through. 

Yet, it is good to recall that God counts every step, and He knows the final one which will bring us to our true home above.  When tears wet our pillow in dark nights, and none other sees, it is clearly observed by God--and He cares!  The psalmist says that He puts those tears in a bottle and documents each sorrow. 

Earth's heartaches are invested in heaven, where they draw interest and will pay great dividends in eternal joys.  Paul puts it like this, "For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory." (2 Cor.4:17 HCSB)  All of earth's hurts, will be washed away by eternity's happiness.  What seems to be an enduring, crushing burden will be seen as momentary and light compared to what God has for us!

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