Thursday, January 24, 2019


We live in a bad news world.  The headlines scream disaster, division, and doom.  If you want to lose sleep, just watch the talking heads before you go to bed. Peruse your social media accounts and see how negative the posts and reactions are.  I am as guilty, at times, as any.  The truth is, there is bad news, and it needs to be confronted. Yet, God’s people must never fall into cynicism when there is a certain hope.  We must not surrender our tongues to criticism when there are reasons for joy.  We dare not become caustic when we are called to love.  There is bad news, but that is what makes the good news so precious.

The message of the church is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Gospel literally means, “good news.”  We can learn some valuable lessons about sharing the New Testament truth from this Old Testament text in Proverbs 25:11-13, 25.

1.  GOOD NEWS IS TO BE SPOKEN FITLY. “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold In settings of silver. Like an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold Is a wise rebuker to an obedient ear.” (v.11-12‬). Saying just the right thing at the right time comes from a sensitivity to the Spirit’s direction. Disciplining our minds to direct our mouths is a function of God’s Word stored in us, so out of the treasure of truth, we can draw just what needs to be said to fit the occasion.

2.  GOOD NEWS IS TO BE SPOKEN FAITHFULLY.   “Like the cold of snow in time of harvest Is a faithful messenger to those who send him, For he refreshes the soul of his masters.” (v.13‬). Imagine working in the harvest sweating under a hot sun, and then God turns on the air conditioning—as it snows!  That is how refreshing our faithfulness in sharing the Gospel is to our Master who has sent us. We bring the Lord pleasure—and that’s good news!  Likewise, when someone receives the good news, their soul is refreshed as their life is changed. They will never forget it.  That leads to my next point.

3.  GOOD NEWS IS TO BE SPOKEN FAVORABLY.  “As cold water to a weary soul, So is good news from a far country.” (‭‭v.25‬). We are to present our message with faith, hope, and love for it is a favorable message. It is good news.  People need it.  As a drink of cold water to the weary, we have a word that declares the way to eternal life!  Will everyone receive it that way?  Sadly, no.  Yet, some will and our expectation is that people can and do respond favorably to the good news.

Good news is meant for sharing!  Our world needs to hear it.

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