Friday, January 18, 2019


Integrity is defined in the online dictionary as, “adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.”  It is a word rooted in the term, “integer,”—a whole number—thus, a person who is whole, where words and works match.  They are not hypocrites.  We will examine a few verses in Proverbs nineteen concerning integrity.
1.  INTEGRITY IS TO BE SOUGHT.  “Better is the poor who walks in his integrity Than one who is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.  What is desired in a man is kindness, And a poor man is better than a liar.” (v.1, 22).  Poverty is not an easy state in which to live.  Our fleshly passion and worldly philosophy will lead us to covet and seek after money.  Yet, we must not do so at the cost of “selling out,” and casting away integrity.  Integrity is to be valued more than money and pursued diligently.  The one who “walks in his integrity,” is one who has unwavering direction set by conviction.  He or she may not be perfect, but they will make progress in pursuing integrity.  Their life is oriented toward honesty and directed by integrity.

2.  DISHONESTY IS TO BE SHUNNED.  “A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who speaks lies will not escape. A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who speaks lies shall perish.  A disreputable witness scorns justice, And the mouth of the wicked devours iniquity.” (v.5, 9, 28). Within the span of a few verses, this truth about lies is virtually repeated. Whether it be perjury in the courtroom or deception in daily life, we are on the trail to judgment. One lie feeds a pattern of dishonesty, as more lies are required to cover up for the last lie. While a Christian, sadly, in this mortal state might sometime lie, it cannot be the pattern of his or her life, for, “all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone,” (Rev.21:8b).  If justice is evaded on earth, it will not be in eternity. 

What does your integrity or lack thereof reveal about your heart?  Are you a whole person—one of honesty, or a divided person—one of hypocrisy?

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