Sunday, January 20, 2019


Yogi Berra said, “When you come to the fork of the road, take it.”  Good idea.  But, which way?  Some will follow their own inclination. Others will yield to popular opinion. The wise submit to God’s revelation.

1.  MY DECISION WILL BE MEASURED BY GOD’S EVALUATION. “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, But the LORD weighs the hearts.” (Prov.21:2). Our choice is important. Decisions determine destinations. The way that seems right may in reality be the wrong way. Let the Spirit of God direct you according to the Word of God.  This is our GPS. 

2. MY SPIRITUAL CONDITION WILL AFFECT MY DECISION. “The way of a guilty man is perverse; But as for the pure, his work is right.” (Prov.21:8). Guilt will often lead us into the fog. We want to conceal our shameful conduct and so hide in darkness.  The result is that we stumble along in the wrong way, for we cannot see the right way. The way of clarity is for the pure.  They do not mind the light of truth shining brightly on them—there is nothing to hide.  Why would God show us more until we are willing to do what we already know?  

3. THE WRONG WAY IS DEADLY.   “A man who wanders from the way of understanding Will rest in the assembly of the dead.” (Prov.21:16). God’s way is the way of life, and following man’s way is the way of death. God’s revelation to Adam and Eve provided the light of life. Instead, they deliberately disobeyed—heeding the voice of the serpent and bringing death upon themselves and their offspring.

4. THE RIGHT WAY PROVIDES FIRM FOOTING.  “A wicked man hardens his face, But as for the upright, he establishes his way.” (Prov.21:29). The wicked man can be fully assured he knows best.  He sets his face like flint. He stiffens his neck as steel. He straightens his back like a fence post. And he walks on rotten boards that will soon break. The upright man does not mind swimming against the current of the culture or walking into the wind of prevailing philosophy. Despite the difficulty of walking in God’s way, his feet are on firm footing.

Which way will you choose?  Your way, man’s way, or God’s way?

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