Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Read Romans 2.

I loved teachers who would grade on the curve.  My IQ was high, but my study habits were not. I preferred hobbies to homework and sports to study. I thought school was for socializing instead of scholarship.  However, when the teacher graded on the curve, I could pass the class with little effort.  I wasn’t graded on the objective truths of the textbook, but the subjective comparison to other students. I would get A’s and B’s while breezing through the course.

Some people think God grades on the curve.  They will admit they aren’t perfect, but compared to many, they don’t look too sinful.  I mean they aren’t serial killers or bank robbers.  In fact, some people are very moral outwardly, and seem religious enough.

But, not to God.  God does not grade on the curve.  Paul is dealing with that argument in Romans 2.  He has pointed out the sinfulness of the heathen in chapter 1.  He knew a lot of folks would say, “Sure, they deserve the judgment of God!  Look at how bad they are! But, I’m a good person.”  So, now the Apostle will move to the guilt of the hypocrite—who says more than he does—who is comparison to unholy people seems good enough, but compared to Holy God cannot measure up.  If we read the text—the Bible—objectively, we flunk.

In chapter 1, Paul appeals to the witness of creation to God’s existence and power—a witness outside us, and now He points in chapter 2 to the witness of conscience to God’s existence and purity.  If we will get beneath the surface level, where we may not appear that bad compared to others, and consider the guilt we carry inside us, then we must admit our need of a Savior—and the good news is that we have One—Jesus Christ.

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