Thursday, February 28, 2019


Read Romans 9.

Grace—amazing, abundant, available—flowing from God’s choice to provide salvation.  He was not obligated to do so.  He purposed to give His Son—a plan ordained before there ever was a world created and a sinner in need of salvation. As we respond to the Gospel—and we must for we are not mere robots—we find that God has taken the initiative.  We speak of finding God, and yet, He has sought and found us—lost sheep, wandering without hope, until the Shepherd of our Souls brings us into God’s fold.

As Paul, deals in chapters 9-11 with how the Jews fit into God’s plan of salvation, the discussion begins with the sovereignty of God in the salvation of man.  We are human clay, and God is the Potter.  He shapes us and fits us for heaven.  Apart from His work, we could not be saved.  We do not even want to be saved.

How does all this fit?  In the eternal mind of God who knows all and His infinite power to accomplish all from a heart of immeasurable love that moves Him and unto His everlasting glory, He has brought the elect into His kingdom.  Yet, it is not against my will, but as His grace operates in my will.  He has made me willing.  Theologians develop systems to try to explain the inexplicable.  I resist that, finding myself incapable of knowing all that God knows.  Instead, I will speak what Scripture says, study and meditate on this amazing grace that saves wretches as we are, and share that message with the world.

Outside the door of salvation, there is a sign reading, “Whosoever will may come,” and when we walk through that door, we see a sign on the other side saying, “Elect according to the foreknowledge of God.”  If we reach heaven, we will glory in the worthy Lamb of God who has selected us, sought us, saved us, sustained us, and secured us.  Praise His name!

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