Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Read 1 Corinthians 15.

There are some chapters in the Bible that jump out as key passages for specific themes.  Genesis 1–creation. John 3–regeneration.  1 Corinthians 13–love.  1 Corinthians 15–our focus today—an overview of the resurrection.

1.  THE BASIS OF THE RESURRECTION (v.1-11). Paul lays out the case for Christ’s resurrection.  Credible testimony has been made from those who saw Jesus alive from the dead.  Paul’s own life had been transformed by seeing Him.

2.  THE NECESSITY OF THE RESURRECTION (v.12-19). If there is no resurrection event, then Christ was not raised and should Christ not be raised, then we have no hope.  Christianity is a house of cards.

3.  THE ORDER OF THE RESURRECTION (v.20-28). Christ is the prototype for the resurrection.  We will be like Him in glorification.  The rapture of the church will be a time when the dead in Christ will rise with new bodies and living saints will be transformed.

4.  THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE RESURRECTION (v.29-34).  The reality of the resurrection has implications for how we live today.  If this life is all there is, then sacrificing for eternity is foolish.  Live it up now, for this would be it.

5.  THE FORM OF THE RESURRECTION  (v.35-49).  That new body will be superior to this one in every way.  Yet, it will be a real body.  As our physical body was suited for life on earth, the spiritual body will be designed for life in eternity.

6.  THE VICTORY OF THE RESURRECTION (v.50-58).  The Christian cannot lose.  Triumph in Christ is assured.  Death has been defeated!

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (v.58)

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