Friday, March 22, 2019


Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

What is the next big thing to watch out for that would herald the coming of Christ for His church?  Are there prophecies to be fulfilled?  Are there signs to watch for?

No. Zip, zero, zilch. From the first century to the twenty first century, there has never been a generation that could not expect to see Jesus coming in the clouds for them.

The next big thing is the rapture of the church.  While, it is fascinating to see developments rapidly falling into place, which intensify my belief that very soon we will hear the trumpet call, the reality is Jesus could appear before I finish typing this post, or before you finish reading it.  What if it were today?  That is how we ought to live.

Paul speaks here of the rapture of the church.  While the term is not found in the Bible, the teaching certainly is.  The word comes from the Latin expression for being “caught up.”

Paul tells us to comfort one another with these words.  It is comforting in knowing we will again see our loved ones who died in faith.  They will rise first and we will be “together with them.”  It is comforting to know that living saints will be transformed, set free from the sin, suffering, and sorrow of this world.  It is comforting to know that before God pours out His wrath on a Christ rejecting world during the seven years of tribulation, that Jesus will remove His bride, the church.

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