Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Read Matthew 25.

I had a school teacher, who would tell you what to study for the test, and when the test would be, then close with this warning, “A word to the wise should be sufficient.”  Then would come the time of the test and the results revealed some were wise and some were foolish.

We may debate the details of prophecy. Among Bible preachers and seminary professors, you will find differing schools of thought.  But, one thing all who believe the Word of God will agree on is the purpose of prophetic truth being presented in Scripture—to be ready for Jesus is coming.

To that end, Jesus concludes His great prophetic discourse in Matthew 24-25 with three descriptions of the end times as a wedding (25:1-13), a stewardship (25:14-30), and a judgment (25:31-46).  In each the point is the same—make preparation.

There is much to be learned in the study of prophecy. We ought not neglect it because some texts are intricate and difficult.  We need not become frustrated at the many differing viewpoints we will see presented.  It is a major portion of Scripture and you will have to avoid much of the Bible, if you skip the prophetic passages.

Ultimately, remember this—it isn’t about gaining information, though much can be learned. It is not about inspiration—although the hope we have of a world set right one day is thrilling. The bottom line is that the return of Christ is about preparation—being ready.

A word to the wise should be sufficient.

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