Saturday, March 16, 2019


The deepest longing of the human heart is for God.  There is a hole in our soul.  Sadly, because of our depraved nature, we try to fill that void with false gods—possessions, pleasures, power. We make our own deities and devise religious systems that appeal to our ego. It is like trying to satisfy your thirst by drinking water from the ocean.  The more you take in, the thirstier you become.

Moses expresses that heart cry properly, “Please, show me Your glory.” (Ex.33:18). It was a response issuing from grace, as God said, “you have found grace in My sight,” and rooted in a relationship with God, “and I know you by name.” (v.17b).

God, in His sovereignty had extended grace,  “Then He said, ‘I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.’” (v.19‬). That we are undeserving of such grace is what makes grace so amazingly gracious!  You don’t earn it; God gives it.  It isn’t based on who we are, but Who He is.

We can have “a foretaste of glory divine,” as the old hymn, “Blessed Assurance”, puts it.  While Moses could not look into God’s face and live, He was permitted an experience that would make his face radiant (read 33:20-23; 34:33-35), an experience He could renew before God.  So may we!

All this, will be consummated in Heaven.  We will have a new body that will enable us to look into the face of God.  Until then, our heart cries, “Please, show me Your glory.”  May we encounter the Eternal One as we meet with the saints for worship tomorrow!

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