Saturday, April 13, 2019

A FRESH START: Turning the Hearts of Children to Jesus

Read John 1:19-34

John the Baptist bridged the gap between the close of the Old Covenant and the coming of the New Covenant—the last of the Old Testament prophets and the herald of a new day in Christ. In how he dressed, and the message he shared—some thought he was Elijah returned to earth. He denied it (John 1:21). Literally, he was not. Yet, figuratively, he was (Matt.11:7-15; John 1:23). The end of the Old Testament prophesies of John’s coming, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” (Malachi‬ ‭4:5-6‬)

Note, especially the promise of how God would work through John to bring revival to the home. The survival of the nation is dependent on the revival of the church, and the revival of the church is dependent on the revival of the family. It is in the home where the greatest work of God needs to be done and can be done—foundational to the church and state.

John the Baptist provides two essentials for how parents can lead their children to God.

A visual—his life was different.  The people of his day had never seen anyone quite like John—a life that demanded an explanation (John 1:19-23).  We show our kids what the Christian life is like. If we are to turn the hearts of the children toward God, then we must display a heart for God ourselves.

A voice—his testimony was direct. Jesus was John’s magnificent obsession (John 1:24-34). We share with our kids who Christ is.  Parents are not charged to merely make little moral creatures who are well-behaved, but to point them to the need of a Savior because of their sinfulness and create in them a desire for Him in how we describe His glory and majesty. We give them a heart for Jesus as we share the Gospel.

Parents, grandparents, children’s workers—all of us—let us do likewise. We have been losing our children to the world; may God help us lead them to the Lord!  It’s time for a fresh start. John the Baptist shows us how.

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