Monday, April 29, 2019


“For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.” (Genesis‬ ‭18:19‬)

An old Gospel song poses the question, “Will the circle be unbroken?”  It calls us to reflect on a family circled around a room at some joyous celebration, but also to lament the gathering of a family for a funeral as a loved one has been separated from the living by death.  Ultimately, one hopes for the entire family to be together again in the sweet by and by.

Christian parents who bring children into the world want to see those children with them in the next world. Although we cannot assume responsibility for any individual soul—each person must make their own decision—we can accept accountability for directing them, helping fuel a desire in them, and discipline them toward a relationship with Christ.

We see this in what God says about Abraham.  God knew this man and his heart of faith—that he would point his children heavenward.  Because that love for God would be evident in him, he would stir by example and teaching a desire in his offspring for God. Abraham would discipline his descendants in righteousness and justice so as to minimize the effects of a pagan culture and maximize the opportunity of obedience to God’s will and ways.

Will the circle be unbroken?  Let us seek that for our family with all that is in us!

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