Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Read Proverbs 13:20. 

“A man is known by the company he keeps,” is the old saying. Another form of that is, “Birds of a feather flock together.”  The fact is that our close companions are so influential—and that is true to Scripture. 

Sadly, Solomon did not practice what he preached.  He told his son to surround himself with the wise and shun association with the foolish, but instead brought many heathen women into his home that turned his heart from God. His son, Rehoboam, therefore, did not heed this warning. When wise counselors sought to guide him, he chose to listen to his friends in their folly. The results were not only personal failure, but destructive to the nation he ruled. 

We are influenced by our environment for good or bad. While only heaven will bring absolute freedom from evil, we still need to minimize those influences which lead to wickedness and maximize the ones that lead to holiness. As parents, we need to model this and instruct our children accordingly.

What children take into their hearts and minds will make a big difference. Music, movies, media, books, magazines, websites, and their relationships with friends and those they date will be uplifting or destructive. Their “companions” need to be  godly influences.

These are discussions we must have. We cannot be with our children at all times, so we must guide them into discernment—helping them to identify and choose that which edifies rather than harms. Eventually, they will have more and more freedom, and young people must be taught who they should spend time with and those they must avoid. Giving them too much liberty, too soon, without direction is deadly. Sheltering them too long, and suddenly sending them into a hostile world without gradual freedom to choose can be harmful, as well.

As parents, grandparents, teachers, and other adults, left us recognize this powerful principle, making sure we choose proper influences and then help children and teens choose likewise. God, give us wisdom and perseverance in this evil age!

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