Friday, April 19, 2019

FIGHTING FAMILIES: The Weapons of our Warfare

Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.

What Paul says of Christian warfare in general can be applied to the battle for our family in particular. That Satan and his forces are arrayed against Christian homes and especially preventing the transmission of truth to the next generation is indisputable. Yet, it is a conflict that we can and must win. God has given us weapons and the Apostle describes them here.

These are spiritual weapons. We often think of media, atheists, abortionists, homosexual activists, and so forth as being the enemy, when they are actually those enslaved by the enemy. It is the dark, demonic forces at work behind the material world that we war against.

Our weapons are superior weapons. Satan is stronger than we are, yet he is no match for God!  Not even close!

These weapons can pull down strongholds. Just like the walls around the stronghold of Jericho fell—not by military strategy, but God’s power—so God can free our children’s minds and hearts from satanic strongholds that the world erects.

Our weapons can cast down arguments. Truth is mightier than error.  The lies told to our children can be overcome.

Our weapons can bring down the arrogant deceptions that rail against God, deny His existence, and seek to undermine our children’s faith.  The smug secularist is not as smart as the simple saint who knows the Word of God.

Ultimately, we can capture the thoughts of our children, and lead them into obedience to Christ.  Call it, “brainwashing,” if you will—the reality is that one side or the other is going to win the battle for young minds.

Not only positive instruction, but corrective discipline is needed. Young people must be taught the benefits of obedience to God, but also the pain of disobedience. How we direct them and discipline them is of critical importance.

Take up those weapons.  This is war!  It is winnable. The souls of the next generation are at stake.

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