Monday, April 01, 2019

THE END: The Great White Throne Judgment

Read Revelation 20:11-15.

All who are summoned to the Great White Throne Judgment are lost. There is no hope. No other court of appeal.  The only One who could have pled for us—Jesus Christ—has been rejected by these sinful souls.

Every wicked person who has died will be raised in an indestructible form and brought before Holy God. Their new body is designed for their eternal abode. As the righteous are fitted for heaven, they will be designed for hell. They did not want Jesus on earth, and they will not have Him for eternity. Salvation was rejected and now the consequences of that choice will be felt.

You see, a person who dies in sin now, does not go to the final hell—the lake of fire. They descend to Hades, and the realm of suffering, to await the final judgment when Hades will be emptied.

Why?  Because when we die we do not die—our influence lives on. Hitler is suffering in Hades, and yet his final punishment has not come. That’s because many still follow his hateful ways, and so judgment is accumulating for which he will ultimately suffer. God is just in all his ways.

Books will be opened and the crimes of every sinner will be read as the indictment of them. Every wicked thought, vile passion, filthy word, evil deed will be recounted. Then the Book of Life will be opened and their name will not be found.

“Guilty!” That is the verdict pronounced.

Here is the choice: you can have your name written in the Book of Life and the record of your sins expunged by faith in Christ or you can have your name blotted out of the Book and your sins declared because you reject Christ. There is no other option.

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