Wednesday, April 03, 2019

THE END: The New Heaven and New Earth

Read Revelation 21:1-8.

What awaits the people of God in eternity?  More than we can imagine!  But, we do have a glimpse at that glory in a number of places in Scripture. Arguably, none is more revealing than Revelation 21:1-8.

In eternity, God makes all creation new (v.1a, 5). Paradise was lost because of man’s sin, yet paradise will be renewed because of the Last Adam, Jesus Christ’s, obedience. Every square inch of His universe will be reclaimed, refined by fire, and regenerated. The pristine conditions of paradise will be restored, but without the Serpent to be found!

In eternity, God ends our separation from Himself and from our loved ones, as John saw, “And there was no more sea” (v.1b). For John, imprisoned and isolated on the rocky prison island of Patmos, the storm-tossed sea represented separation from those he loved. That’s coming to an end!

In eternity, the love relationship with God will be consummated with our Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus, bringing us into our new home, the New Jerusalem (v.2). It comes down from heaven to earth, that we may enjoy the blessing of our dwelling and the exploring of our estate.

In eternity, we will abide with God, basking in the joy of His glory—perfect satisfaction in His presence (v.3). The supreme wonder of eternity is to be in the presence of the King!

In eternity, all of the consequences of sin are removed because sin as a condition is no more—the curse being cured (v.4). No more tears to fall, no more funerals to attend, no more pain to endure, no more sobs and sighing to express—all sorrow and sickness banished for there is no more sin!

In eternity, we will be satisfied by drinking from a fountain of life that never runs dry and we will be safe by the exclusion of all who would harm us (v.6-8).  This is the attaining of fulness and the absence of fearfulness.

They have a zoning ordinance in the new heaven and new earth. You cannot build a hospital or funeral home. No tombstones will be allowed to be erected on those green hills!  None will be needed!

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