Friday, June 21, 2019


“You shall fear the LORD your God; you shall serve Him, and to Him you shall hold fast, and take oaths in His name.” (Deut.10:20)

We respond to the greatness of God by giving Him glory.  As we consider Him, we are to “fear the LORD your God....”  To fear Him is to hold Him in reverence.  The outgrowth of fear should be the fruit of faithfulness.

This brings faithfulness in service, “you shall serve Him….”  He is the Great King and we are to be His loyal subjects.  You don’t disobey or delay when He commands.
Then, there will be faithfulness in steadfastness, “to Him you shall hold fast….”  Our life will not be wishy-washy or half-hearted.  His greatness means we do not abandon Him for another, for Who else can compare to Him?

Further, this means faithfulness in speech, “take oaths in His name.”  Because the very nature of our great God is truth—His attribute called immutability—then our word is to be our bond.  Jesus said, “For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45)  If we have treasured God in our hearts—stored up an awareness of His greatness—then we would want nothing to come from our lips or our lives that would cause men to diminish Him in their eyes.  Certainly, we will not take His name in vain—a fundamental commandment.  His name is too great and sacred.  What we say and our commitment to following through is a reflection of our apprehension and acknowledgment of God’s greatness or it will be a denial of it.

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