Monday, June 03, 2019


You are five years old, riding in the back seat of the car.  You are on your way to the beach for a family vacation.  Suddenly, you hear your tires squall, your mother scream, and that’s all you recall until you wake up in the hospital.  You hurt, one leg is in a cast, but that’s not the worst pain.  The unbearable agony is when you find out your father and mother died in the wreck.  You are alone. You are an orphan.

What would that feel like?  If you can imagine that, then you can understand some of what the disciples must have felt, when Jesus told them He was going to die—that He would be leaving them.

Yet, Jesus promised that He would not leave them—and us—as orphans. One would come like Him—a Counselor, Comforter—who would abide with us always.  That is the Third Person of the Godhead—the Holy Spirit.  He is the Spirit of God, the presence of Jesus, with every believer. This week, Lord willing, we will examine several truths concerning God the Spirit.

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