Monday, July 29, 2019


“Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.”
‭‭(1 Timothy 1:17)

We live in a sound-bite culture.  Communication has been reduced to texts and tweets.  Even the very names of social media convey the brevity and immediacy of communication—we have Instagram and Snapchat.  I fear the result is that we are developing the attention span of a gnat and are losing our capacity to think deeply.

Many churches have just decided to go with the flow—and today if you go to one of those you will get a sermonette.  My concern is that sermonettes produce Christianettes!

So, at the church I serve, we have decided to resist the tide, and ask you to think deeply—and specifically to stretch your mind in an attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible.

God is a subject so vast, we will never—not even in eternity—exhaust the end of a Being who is boundless.  The study however is mind-blowing, heart-gripping, and life-changing.  Just look at what is contained in this one verse!  Zero in on this phrase: “God who alone is…” and stop right there!  God IS—He just IS!  He IS self-existent and self-sufficient.  That will be the truth we will meditate on this week.  Let us drink deeply from the fountain of Scripture!

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