Monday, July 08, 2019


“But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, Longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.” (Psalm 86:15)

The grace of God is such an amazing truth.  No other religion has such a concept as this—it is exclusive to the Christian faith.  Few words capture the heart of God for us better than “grace.”  An understanding of grace should capture our heart in return!

The most popular hymn ever written has amazing grace as its subject.  John Newton’s life was radically transformed by God’s grace and so he authored that hymn as a testimony.  Newton was a slave trader—a vile and violent man.

The description of him as a wretch is altogether appropriate—but it is true of you and me as well.  The more we understand how depraved we are, the more grateful we will be for grace.

Think of a sparkling diamond with the radiance of its many facets.  Such is the multi-faceted beauty of God’s grace—and this week we will examine its amazing splendor.

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