Tuesday, August 27, 2019


“‘Who is like You, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, Fearful in praises, doing wonders?’” (Exodus‬ ‭15:11‬‬)

The holiness of God is beyond our imagination and human vocabulary.  Any type of false god—the product of man’s thought—no matter how great, cannot compare to the greatness of the true and living God. He is uniquely holy.  It is His chief attribute and the pinnacle of perfection—absolute purity.

There can be no comparison—the holiest of people have a holiness that is given to them by God’s grace and the holy angels have a holiness that was created in them by God’s design.  God’s holiness, however, is the essence of all He is and the ultimate expression of Himself.

God’s holiness neither increases nor diminishes—without it He would not be God.  In Isaiah 6:3, the seraphim encircle the throne and continually cry, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts.” Though holy beings relative to us, in relation to God, they cover their face, such is the holiness of His person. The seraphim do not sing, “Omnipotent, omnipotent, omnipotent,” or “Eternal, eternal, eternal,”—though they might.  Instead, they are overwhelmed by this most glorious holiness.

God does not measure up to a standard of purity—He is the standard!  It is the crowning glory of all God’s perfections.  His power is a holy power or God would be a tyrant.  His wisdom is a holy wisdom or God would use it to plot our destruction.  His patience is a holy patience or it would be indulgence.  His wrath is a holy wrath or He would be a monster.  Holiness is all God is and does—the essential attribute of God.

To be in awe of His glory is to be amazed at His grace—that we could ever approach Him and abide with Him.  Yet, that is the very thing Christ, in His holiness, has attained for us!

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