Monday, August 19, 2019


Did you know a broken clock is right twice a day?  Here are the words of a false prophet that are true. “‘God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?’” (Numbers‬ ‭23:19‬‬). Balak, king of Moab, tried to hire Balaam, a false prophet, to curse Israel.  God would not permit it for His intention was to bless His people. So, instead of lies emerging from his lips, truth was told.  We affirm the faithfulness of God that Balaam decreed.

The late J. Robertson McQuilken was a wonderful man of God who served as President of Columbia International University for twenty two years.  In 1990, he resigned his position that he might care for his wife who had Alzheimer’s.

 Here is what McQuilken wrote about the faithfulness of his wife and why he would be faithful to her:

The board arranged for a companion to stay in our home so I could go daily to the office. During those two years it became increasingly difficult to keep Muriel home. As soon as I left, she would take out after me. With me, she was content; without me, she was distressed, sometimes terror stricken. The walk to school is a mile round trip. She would make that trip as many as ten times a day. Sometimes at night, when I helped her undress, I found bloody feet. When I told our family doctor, he choked up. “Such love,” he said simply. Then, after a moment, “I have a theory that the characteristics developed across the years come out at times like these.” I wish I loved God like that—desperate to be near him at all times. Thus she teaches me, day by day.

If you have time check out the audio of his resignation here:

That touches us at a profound level because we realize that such a display of faithfulness is rare among humans. Yet, as inspiring as this is, it is but a shadow compared to the incomparable faithfulness of Almighty God.

God is always faithful. He is perfectly and preeminently so. That is what we will expound and exult over in our devotional series this week.

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