Thursday, August 08, 2019


“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! ‘For who has known the mind of the LORD? Or who has become His counselor?’” (Romans‬ ‭11:33-34‬)

Understanding the meaning of God’s omniscience leads to rest and wisdom for us. The practical implications of this on our earthly pilgrimage are many.

When there are things that I cannot understand of the ways of God, I am confronted with the truth that He knows what I do not.  I can rest in His perfect knowledge.

There are things I can learn, but did you know God has never learned anything?  God is not seeking our advice.  Listen, though, to how we pray at times—and I’ve done it too—“Oh God you know Bill is over there in the hospital…” to which God does not respond, “Thank you!  I had no idea!”

Often my prayers are attempts to persuade God that I know best.  We may become petulant and peevish—even bitter.  God knows what He is doing—and always does what He is knowing!  This means that even though He doesn’t need my direction, that I can learn to listen to His!  Seeking the mind of God is where to find wisdom.

Before time began, God knew this day in your life would come.  He knew you’d be reading this because it wield speak to you.  God knows fully all and you need and has already planned to provide it.  When a need arises, it is merely God’s way of telling you that He already has the provision waiting!

This is what it means for us that God is omniscient.

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