Wednesday, October 02, 2019


“For the LORD God is a sun and shield...” (Ps.84:11a)

As the light of our sun brings life, illumines our way, and dispels the darkness, thus does God, our spiritual Sun.  He is the source of life—without Him we could not survive.  He shines to show us the way—without Him we would stumble and be lost.  He overwhelms the darkness of sin and death.  It cannot stand before the majesty of His glory!

The sun which is the star at the center of our solar system, is far from the largest, brightest, hottest star in the universe.  That cannot be said of God, the Sun. He is a Sun who eclipses all other suns.  Ancient peoples worshipped the sun, moon, and stars as gods.  Yet, these are all created things, and our Sun is the Creator of all things—the only true and Living God.

This is our seventh and final portrait of God in the Psalms.  There are others, but we will end our study here.  The big question is why do we have all these word pictures?  Because God is so great that merely a few words cannot adequately describe Him. Yet, it is imperative that we know Him, for we will worship something, and only the knowledge of the true God will save us.

Do you know Him today?

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