Thursday, October 31, 2019


“And Moses built an altar and called its name, The- LORD -Is-My-Banner;” (Exodus‬ ‭17:15‬‬)

This world is not a ball field for sport; it is a battlefield of strife. Israel had seen God work miraculously to deliver them from slavery. It was a time of worship. And right on the heels of that was a time of warfare.  God had miraculously freed them (Ex.14-15) and fed them (Ex.16). Now, would He fight for them?

The Amalekites attacked Israel, but God gave them victory (Ex.17).  Although Joshua had to take action with troops in the Valley of Rephidim, the war was won higher up. Moses interceded in prayer on the mountain above the fray. So, Moses, in recording this combat report, gives the credit to Yahweh Nissi—Yahweh our Banner.

When soldiers went into battle, they would be led by someone with their arm lifted, holding the banner of the army aloft—a banner symbolizing king and country. Thus, Moses lifts “the rod of God,” as their banner—the same shepherd staff he extended over the Red Sea, as it miraculously opened before Israel, to be their pathway of escape. That was the symbol of Yahweh, the Deliverer.

They were reminded that to fight under His banner is to triumph.  That is still a precious truth for the church in our spiritual warfare. “We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Rom.8:37). We march today under the blood-stained banner of the cross for our King Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not fear, “for the battle is the LORD’s,” (1 Sam.17:47).

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