Friday, November 29, 2019


Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”  (John 8:12a). But, in another place, He declared, “You are the light of the world.” (Matt.5:14a). This is what it means to be a disciple—a Christ-follower. “He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. “ (John 8:12b).

Our light is a reflected light. Think in terms of the light of our sun and moon. The sun is the source of light. The moon does not generate its own light, but reflects the light of the sun. Thus, the Son of God is the source of any light we have, but we are designed to radiate His glory to the world.

Jesus is in heaven. If He is to be seen on earth, it will be through His church. The glory of God that was manifested in His human body on earth is now meant to be revealed in His spiritual body—the church.

Our world is a dark place. The night of sin has fallen upon the planet. Yet, that makes the need for light all the greater, and causes our light in contrast to be so bright—just like a full moon in a clear sky.

Maintain fellowship with the Lord. Spend time in His presence. In a lunar eclipse, the shadow of earth comes between the moon and sun, and the light of the moon is obscured. If we are not careful, this world can have that effect on us.

In your showing of good works and the sharing of Gospel words, let your light shine today!

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