Tuesday, November 05, 2019


“Then Elijah said, ‘As the LORD of hosts lives, before whom I stand, I will surely present myself to him today.’” (1 Kings 18:15)

Yahweh Sabaoth, translated, “LORD of hosts,” is one of the most frequent names of God that we find in the Old Testament, being used about two hundred and fifty times.  It means that He is the Lord God of spiritual armies—Yahweh who rules over the angelic hosts.  These supernatural beings of incredible might and splendor are creations of the Lord.  Their allegiance is to Him and they move at His command.

In a number of ways, the angels are different than humans, yet in one way they are the same—they were created with free will, and with the capacity to obey God came the possibility to disobey.  As hard as it is to imagine, one-third of these heavenly beings follow Satan in his rebellion against God. The twelfth chapter of Revelation gives an overview of this cosmic clash as it  describes war in heaven.

 The outcome of the war is never in doubt.  Satan has no hope of vanquishing God. Yahweh sends forth His holy hosts of angel warriors, and the Devil is cast out. Satan still makes trouble for the church today, and will stir up one final war against Christ on earth, but at last he and his demonic army will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

In the text today, we find Elijah, the man of God standing alone against the power of the malevolent monarchs, King Ahab and his consort, the wicked Jezebel. Yet, he is fearless, for he knows he is not alone. His trust is in the LORD of Hosts.

Today, we also have angels watching over us. All about, unseen, are these mighty ones, ready to minister to the saints. Yet, we do not worship them and trust in them, but in their Maker and Commander, Yahweh Sabaoth, the LORD of Hosts!

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