Friday, November 08, 2019


“Hear, all you peoples! Listen, O earth, and all that is in it! Let the Lord GOD be a witness against you, The Lord from His holy temple.” (Micah‬ ‭1:2‬‬)

As we conclude our study of the names of God found in the Old Testament, we consider the Hebrew word Adonai. In the English translation it is differentiated from Yahweh by being rendered with lower case, “Lord,” in contrast to, “LORD,” all in the upper case or as in the passage here, GOD (Yahweh), rather than God (Elohim).

Adon is the singular form and can refer to men and angels, as lords and princes. Adonai is the plural, literally, “Lords,” and most Bible scholars think it points to the manifold majesty of God, but I believe is also suggestive of God’s Triune being.

It is a name used hundreds of times in the Old Testament and points to God’s sovereign reign. He is the Master, Owner, and Ruler of all as the name suggests. Adonai is also seen in conjunction with Yahweh as in the text in Micah 1:2. In this passage, Yahweh, is translated GOD—all in capital letters. The Great I AM is Lord of all.

We should be reminded today that God is sovereign over all things. Nothing happens but by His permission and He has decreed that the end result will be for His glorious purposes. It is comforting to know in a world that often appears out of control that the Lord is firmly in control.

We can fall in brokenness and submission upon the Rock of God’s will and receive His grace, or we can resist and have that Rock of His will fall on us and break us in His judgment. In this we have a choice, but in God accomplishing what He has decreed there is no choice.

Paul assures us in Philippians 2:9-11 that someday every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. The holy angels of heaven will bow, the saints and sinners of men will bow, and even the demons of hell will bow. But, the only ones who will be saved then are those who confess He is Lord now.

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