Tuesday, December 31, 2019


“Be diligent to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 CSB)

The commendation of a pastor by the congregation is important.  However, the truth is that a shepherd of God’s flock has a higher pursuit— approval by the Great Shepherd.  Commitment in the study of God’s Word with a passion to be correct in the sharing of God’s Word is the elders’ great assignment.  He must do many other things, but feeding the flock of God is paramount.  If he fails here, then he fails.  Hopefully, the sheep will appreciate the meal, but even if they turn their noses up at it or look for another pasture where more sweet treats are offered, the man of God must dig into the Word of God, stand upon it, and speak it with accuracy and authority.  For this, he will give account to God.

Pole Creek is a good church.  Not a perfect church, but a good one.  We have been favored of God by men who have been devoted to preach the Word and a membership largely that has received it with joy and sought to apply it in daily living.  I have sought to be faithful for the quarter century I have been with you.  I have every reason to believe that the next man up will do the same.
It is important to recognize your pastors for their efforts to be sharper swords in God’s hands.  They would not seek such recognition, but I think it appropriate.  During 2019, your staff has been diligent in study.

In June, Ben Heise received his Associate of Arts in Religion/Christian Ministry from Fruitland Baptist Bible College.  He drove back and forth to Hendersonville—often at night for classes—and yet was faithful to his work here at Pole Creek.  Now, he is pursuing his BA from Spurgeon College.

In December, Chase Harris completed his Master of Arts in Christian Leadership from Luther Rice Seminary.  Chase did all that while still building a vibrant student ministry.  His availability for young people and their needs has been undiminished by the volume of study he has had to do.
I appreciate all of our staff—paid and volunteer—who are making an eternal difference.  I thought it appropriate to acknowledge the commitment of these men to diligence in study in correctly teaching the Word of God.

Let me mention in closing that our music ministry is directed by one faithful to God’s Word—Steve Schultz.  You will not get fluff, but truth in the songs that we sing.  He is always concerned about sound theology and not just how a song sounds.  You may not be aware that Steve holds a Master of Christian Education from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

What about this old head?  I have enrolled in Southeastern to complete my Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership!  I hope to knock that out this year, being only four courses needed.  It has been a while since I have been in school, so pray for me!

Happy New Year!  May God give us 2020 vision!

Pastor Dennis

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