Monday, December 16, 2019


“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” (John 11:25)

There are many fears that people face.  There is acrophobia—the fear of heights; agoraphobia—the fear of crowds; arachnophobia—the fear of spiders.  By the time we get to the z’s—we end with zoophobia—the fear of animals.

You might laugh at some of those, but there is one fear that plagues us all—necrophobia—the fear of death.  That grim specter haunts humanity.

It is not only our greatest fear, but our greatest foe—rightfully so.  We all must face it, and we cannot fight it.  Yet, one Man battled it and beat it! Christ has conquered death!  Because He lives, we shall live also.  The story of Christ raising Lazarus from the dead—a story documented in the eleventh chapter of John—will be our focus this week. I hope you will join us for the study each day!

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