Monday, December 30, 2019

JESUS, THE TRUE VINE: Abiding in Love

Jesus tells us that the Christian life is about a relationship with Him. This vital connection brings His life into ours and the evidence is the fruit that we bear. At the forefront of that fruit is love.  We are to abide in love.

We are given examples of this in John 15:9, 13 in the Father’s love for the Son and the Son’s love for us. The Father’s love for the Son was demonstrated by sharing all that He is and has with Him (see John 3:35; 5:20; 17:24). The Son’s love for us was demonstrated by sacrificing all He had to save us—laying down His life for His friends (15:13). When I abide in love I follow that example in sharing and sacrifice.

We further note evidences of this in John 15:10, 12, 17. There will be the evidence of love for God (v.10) and man (v.12,17). This sums up the law of God. Jesus said elsewhere it is the Great Commandment (see Matt.22:35-40).

Then, consider the effects of this in John 15:12, 14, 16). There will be intimacy (v.14). Imagine, we are called friends of Jesus!  That suggests the closest of connections. There will be impact (v.16). The life that loves is one of eternal significance.  Our prayer life will be potent as God is pleased to answer those who pray out of a motivation of love.

Why don’t you open your Bible at 1 Cor.13, get on your knees and pray for that kind of love?  It will be life-changing!

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