Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Read John 11:17-36.

The victory is in the Victor (v.25).  One day, Jesus would not just be raising someone else from the dead—incredible as that was—but, He would lie lifeless in a tomb, dead for days.  The earth trembled and the skies grew dark as midnight, as He died.  The demons laughed in that darkness as the chains of death were wrapped around the Son of God.  Yet, Jesus shattered those shackles, and Light burst forth from the tomb, as Jesus conquered!

As He spoke at Lazarus’ tomb, He knew that time was coming, and would face it unflinching. So may we. Look at the promise (v.26).

The very nature of death has been transformed.  Did you hear how Jesus described it earlier? As sleep (v.11-14).

Sleep is harmless.  We aren’t anxious about it, but anticipate it!

Sleep is restful.  “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ “ “Yes, says the Spirit, “that they may have rest from their labors, and their works follow them.” (Rev.14:13).

Sleep is temporary.  We shall rise!  The body slumbers in the soil, while our spirit soars to God—then comes that great gettin’ up mornin’ when our eternal soul is united with a glorified body!

Death is just moving day.  When I speak of my grandchildren, I say, “I have thirteen—one is in heaven.” My granddaughter Mya is more alive today than she’s ever been.  She’s just in a different location.  She lives because of Jesus!

Have you placed your faith in the Son of God?  You can have that same hope!

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