Monday, December 09, 2019


We tend to identify ourselves by what we do.  When asked about yourself, you might tell your name, something about your family or where you are from—but, very quickly you will get to what you do for a living.  We say, “I am a baker;  I am a banker;  I am a builder,” or some such.

Jesus identifies Himself in John 10:11 as, “The Good Shepherd.”  Bible teacher, Warren Wiersbe points out that some of the greatest people in the Bible were shepherds by occupation—people like Abel, Moses, and David.  But, as the stars vanish at the rising of the sun, so Jesus outshines them all.

In the Bible, Jesus is called, “the Good Shepherd,” here, “the Great Shepherd,” (Heb.13:20), and “the Chief Shepherd,” (1 Pet.5:4).  As such, Jesus seeks and saves His lost lambs and then shepherds His flock. There are three relationships of the Good Shepherd we want to discuss this week. I hope you will join us each day.

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