Sunday, January 12, 2020


Pleasing the Father

“No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in the concerns of civilian life; he seeks to please the commanding officer.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:4‬ ‭CSB‬‬

The concerns of everyday life can leave our zeal for evangelism quenched. Our ever-growing to-do list piles high with no end in sight. Errands are left undone, tasks unfinished and cares of this world begin to choke out our vision for the kingdom we’re really living for. We can so easily lose sight of the fact that, as important as these things are, this world is not our home. May we seek to cultivate our own love for the Lord each day, so that our desire to please Him trumps our busy hearts.

Pray that the motivation of your evangelism to your one is the desire to please the Father and the glory of His name. (From “Who’s Your One?” Devotional, NAMB)

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