Thursday, December 17, 2020



Paul underscores suffering here (v.9).  At the center of the Christian faith stands a cross. Jesus summons us to come and die.  Yet, the great paradox is that in dying, we live (v.11)!

Weigh, the standard of suffering (v.8-9). “Remember Jesus Christ” as the supreme standard of suffering. He never asks us to go where He has not been. Paul was following in His Master’s steps up the Calvary Road. Even as Christ by His death conquered the power of death, Paul’s chains did not bind the Gospel, but liberated it. No grave could confine Christ and no prison can shackle the Gospel!  

So, we are called to the sharing of suffering (v.10-13).  Our vital union with Christ is underscored by the thrice repeated phrase, “with him.”  It is in union with Christ that we have His might to enable us.  So, here is the sequence: first, the cross and then the crown; first, pain and then the prize; first travail and then triumph!  The faithfulness of Christ within you, will keep you faithful.

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