Thursday, December 10, 2020



Paul is saying to this young preacher boy to get an unbreakable grip on the truth—sound doctrine and systematic theology.  

Greek scholar, Kenneth Wuest said of this, “Particular words are to be retained and used so that the doctrinal statements of the truth may remain accurate and a norm for future teachers and preachers.”  

Do you have a grip on the meaning of words like, “justification, reconciliation, sanctification, glorification,” and what do you believe about the nature of God, the work of Christ, the person of the Spirit, the authority of Scripture, the mission of the church, and so forth?  

Paul names two among many who had broken his heart by failing to grip the truth and departing the faith: “Phygelus and Hermogenes” (v.15). Yet, there was another named who retained his grip on the truth and blessed Paul’s heart, “Onesiphorus” (v.16-18). Nothing so refreshes a preacher as to see those who serve diligently!  To look on the fruit of our labor and see them flourishing is a refreshing reward.  The former is to be condemned and the latter commended.

Will you be one that lets go and slips away or one who holds on and stays true?

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