Monday, December 07, 2020


If you knew that today would be your last day on earth, what would you want to say to those you love?  

What I would say to those who are the church family I have served for the last quarter century is contained in an envelope. I wrote it and had it on my desk since 2014. 

None of us are promised tomorrow. I thought, “If I died suddenly, what would I want Pole Creek Baptist Church to know?”  

Well, I am leaving, but hopefully in my Camry and not a casket. I have resigned effective December 31st. 

So, this series of devotional messages for the month of December is called, “Before I Go: Some Final Instructions.” These will be taken from Paul’s last letter in 2 Timothy. Paul was on death row, and wanted to give his young protege some final instructions for the church.  

His first call is to “Hold on.” (1:13). How can we hold on?  That is what we plan to explore this week.

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