Saturday, December 25, 2021


Who runs the church?  Is it a pastor, or maybe the elders, or perhaps the deacons, or some combination—who is in charge?

It better be Jesus!  He is “the head of His body, the church.”  Now, many local congregations may not behave accordingly, but in so doing they are in rebellion against God!

There would be no church without Him. His resurrection as “the firstborn from the dead,” birthed the church in His atoning work through the crucifixion and resurrection. Now, He claims absolute authority, “that in everything he might be preeminent.”

I heard the story of an old African chieftain.  He sat before his hut, bent over, weariness on his face, skin wrinkled from advanced age.  One of the strong young warriors came up to him and challenged him, “It is time for you to step aside. We need a man of strength to lead  this tribe. What gives you the right to rule over us?”  The elderly man answered, “There was a time you do not remember, for your father was a child. A lion came into the village. He would have killed many, including your father. I thrust my arms into the lion’s mouth, broke his jaws, and killed it with my bare hands. Then raising himself up, his voice resounding with authority, he lifted his arms to reveal many scars from battling the beast, and said, “By my wounds I demand the right to rule over you!”

So, Jesus lifts His hands, shows the scars from His battle on Calvary, and says, “By my wounds I demand the right to rule over you!”  Surely as a preacher, and as a church of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will submit to Him who saved us by His sacrifice!

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