Thursday, May 27, 2010


Some would look at the promise of Romans 8:28 as an unconditional promise, when closer examination discloses there is actually a condition. See, if you can detect it: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

You must be a child of God, and that is defined as one who loves Him and has answered His call to follow Christ. To the degree that each of these is fleshed out in day-to-day living, we can know such a fulfillment of the promise in either meager or abundant measure.

God will accomplish His plan for your future and will make you one day to be like His Son. That is the end of His eternal purpose for you. That is stated in Romans 8:29, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.” The crucial issue is whether heaven will only necessitate a “minor tune-up” or a “major overhaul.”

Spiritual progress in Christ-likeness now requires:

THE PURSUIT OF A PASSION FOR GOD “to those who love God…”
There is no greater goal for us than to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. You can have a genuine passion for God that doesn’t diminish across the years, but intensifies. I am still zealous for God. I am still captivated with Christ after over 30 years of seeking Him. You will miss the plan of God for your life if you don’t have a passion for Him.

THE PURSUIT OF THE PURPOSE OF GOD “to those who are the
called according to His purpose.”
God might call you to work in a factory or teach in a school. He might call you to a pulpit or send you to a mission field. He might call you to be a soldier or call you to be a homemaker. What I know is that He has a purpose for your life and is calling you to be the best Christian you can in that place. God can use you to help change your circumstances, but what is assured is that He will use your circumstances to change you!

Notice that the love relationship precedes the life calling. As Steve Green sang, “To love the Lord our God is the heartbeat of our mission; the spring from which our service overflows.” You can work for God out of duty without delight, but if there is devotion to God, we will always fulfill our duty to God.


  1. I agree with you Pastor Dennis! I love, love the Lord and I feel passionate about my relationship with him. It's in loving him and having that commitment to him that I can fulfill his purpose for me. OK sometimes I may not want to go, but in the end I do because of that abundant love and life he provides.
    Thanks for an inspiring post! Big God Hugs - Blanca

  2. And you inspire me to keep writing! Thanks for taking the time to stop by--read & comment. That means a lot. Our labor for the Lord is never in vain. Be assured He loves you with an everlasting love--and so do I as your brother in Christ.
