Friday, May 28, 2010


Today, my eldest son, Christopher, graduates from The College at Southeastern with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies. His immediate plans are to enroll in the Master of Divinity program of Southeastern Seminary in the fall. Beyond that, his current plans are to become a Christian counselor. But, who knows where the road of life will take him?

Being a child of Dennis and Marilyn Thurman means that we are very proud of him. Being a child of the King means there is a plan for him. Whatever the will of God might be, to find, follow and finish that plan is true success. Through it all, God is at work, shaping His son into the image of His Son—the ultimate prize! Paul framed it this way, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.” (Romans 8:28-29)

Until the final destination is reached in heaven, there is an assigned course for us on earth. God raises up special people for select purposes in specific places. His Spirit calls us and equips us—leading God’s children along. We must convey this Biblical truth to young folks. Graduates need to be shown this pathway to true success.

It must be known that the outward, visible signs of success that men celebrate are not necessarily those which God commends. Mary poured expensive perfume on the feet of Jesus and the carnal-minded Judas Iscariot branded it, “A waste.” There have been those who have poured out their lives for the cause of Christ in some desolate realm, unseen by the world, unappreciated by men, and unrewarded on earth—and relatives and friends roll their eyes and call it, “A waste!”

Such is the apparent case with William Borden. Perhaps you are familiar with Borden dairy products. That was his family. He was the heir to the Borden estate—valued at millions in a time when that was real money. A sharp young fellow, he was primed to take over the family business. But he spurned it all for the call God had placed in his life. He was compelled by the will of God to give his life to sharing the Gospel. He would give his life as a missionary—but without ever seeing any notable success. In Cairo, Egypt he contracted disease that would kill him. In his last days, gripped by fever, he wrote these words in the flyleaf of his Bible, “No reserves, no return, no regrets.” He died at the age of twenty-four. The typical response then, and still heard today is, “A waste!”

But such a life is never wasted. “No reserves” all spent for God. “No return” no turning back. “No regrets” nothing wished to be changed. True success is not measured in baptismal records, biographies published, buildings erected, and such. Those things may accompany success, but maybe not. God’s perspective is all that matters, “So don’t make judgments about anyone ahead of time—before the Lord returns. For he will bring our darkest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. Then God will give to each one whatever praise is due.” (2 Cor.4:5 NLT).

Find, follow and finish God’s will—then you will have found true success.

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