Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The Apostle Paul calls us to surrender to the Savior in Romans 12:1. He says, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” I believe that he is suggesting three reasons for absolute surrender.

The first reason is BECAUSE IT IS REQUESTED “I beseech you…” Although Paul might have spoken with the authority of an Apostle and demanded it, instead he stoops as a beggar and pleads for it. He knew that love cannot be coerced. It must be freely given. Christ will knock at your heart’s door and plead with you, but He won’t break it down. How can you shut up your heart from surrender to Him?

The second reason is BECAUSE IT IS RESPONSIVE “therefore…by the mercies of God…” This verse marks a transition in the thrust of Paul’s letter. The Apostle has for eleven chapters directed us to the manifold mercies of God. He has spoken of the greatness of God’s grace in saving wretched sinners like we are! Now, we can respond to those mercies. We love Him for He first loved us!

The third reason is BECAUSE IT IS RATIONAL “your reasonable service.” Do we think God is asking too much? Do we respond to the call to absolute surrender with, “Lord, be reasonable!” The Lord is not being unreasonable in demanding we surrender all. Don’t you know that you have nothing apart from Him? Don’t you understand that He surrendered everything to give you eternal life? The only rational thing to do is to surrender everything to Him!

The time to do it is today—right NOW!

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