Wednesday, July 21, 2010


How can we look at the cross and consider all that God has done for us and fail to surrender ourselves to Him? But, you may be wondering what does it mean to surrender to Him? There are four requirements suggested implied in Paul’s exhortation in Romans 12:1, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”

A COMPLETE SACRIFICE "present your bodies"
We yield our entire being, particularly our body as an instrument in God’s hands to accomplish His work in the world. Christ didn’t die only to save our souls, but to redeem the total person. He wants to use your eyes to see hurting humanity, your ears to hear their cries, your heart to care for them, your feet to go to them, your hands to help them and your lips to tell them why.

A CONSTANT SACRIFICE “a living sacrifice…”
This is a commitment from which there is no turning back—it is living, ongoing. Constantly we surrender—a thousand times a day; when faced with God’s will or our will, we choose to follow Him. “Present” is a definite act—once for all never to return to self-centered living, but “living” is a daily attitude.—ongoing in keeping all on the altar in self-sacrifice.

The sacrifices God demanded in the Old Testament were to be without blemish. They were not acceptable if they were not holy. Repentance from sin is to accompany resignation in sacrifice. I’ll give you an example of what I’m talking about. Last Saturday night, we went to Flat Rock Grille with a couple of our fine church members, Alan and Monica Young. Let’s suppose that as the waiter brought the order, I noticed that I didn’t have any silverware. Now, I am quite capable of eating food with my fingers, but my wife frowns on that in public! So, I request some utensils from our server. He reaches over to the table beside us, where a family has just left eating, picks up a fork, holds it up and says, “This one has some food on it—I’ll wipe it off” and he wipes it on his pant leg and hands it to me! My response is, “I don’t just want a fork—I want a clean one!” God doesn’t want a sacrifice contaminated by sin, but consecrated in sanctification.

A COMMENDABLE SACRIFICE “acceptable to God…”
The Pharisees brought offerings to God, but they were motivated by the applause of man. Rather than commend them, Christ condemned them. God doesn’t just judge us by the outward appearance. He looks at the heart. What is the motive for our surrender? God doesn’t just judge the outward expression of devotion, but the inward motivation. It isn’t just actions, but attitudes that He evaluates. Our service isn’t to be about our glory, but His. We aren’t out to make a name for ourselves, but to magnify the name of Christ.

This is what God requires. Offer yourself today as a living sacrifice—complete, constant, consecrated and commendable.


  1. Dennis, you write very well! I enjoyed looking at your site, and reviewing several of your posts. Your writing is clear, organized, and easy to follow. These are all commendable qualities for a blogger.

    To improve your blog, include more personal experiences or experiences felt by people you know. This is a criticism that I offer to my own site as well, however I think your readers will like hearing about your views and how they connect with people. It makes the subject feel more real.

    I honor your work.


  2. Steve, I am thankful you to the time to read this and make constructive comments. I want to always improve and your suggestions and encouragement will help me do so.
