Thursday, July 22, 2010


According to the Apostle Paul we are to surrender our all to the Savior. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1) To make a claim that one is surrendered to the Savior is relatively easy. Talk is a cheap thing. To demonstrate it is the chief thing! There are at least three results that follow absolute surrender to Christ which are found in this verse.

There will be acceptable WORK FOR GOD “service.”
Surrender means we report for duty. We will serve God doing anything, anywhere, anytime He directs us. In the language of the current sports season, we get out of the dugout and onto the diamond. Are you sitting on the bench or are you in the game? Surrender yields service!

There will be acceptable WORSHIP OF GOD “spiritual worship” (ESV)
The words can also be translated this way. The OT saints brought their sacrifices as an act of worship. Presenting our bodies to Him is the ultimate in worship. He gets our minds engaged in meditating on Him and His Word, our mouths open in prayer and praise, our hearts filled with love and joy, and our hands ready to respond in giving and serving. Worship is never about just taking in, but having freely received, to freely give.

There will be acceptable WITNESS TO GOD “living sacrifice...”
The world will take notice of such a life. It cannot fail to impact the world. By this we bear testimony of our estimation of the worth of Christ’s sacrifice. We judge the worth of something, by what a person is willing to pay. When my faith costs me nothing, it isn’t credible. Such has no power to transform a life.

Are there tangible proofs that you are surrendered to the Savior?

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