Monday, January 02, 2012


As we encounter God in the opening chapters of the Bible, we see Him moving systematically, purposefully and creatively. Each day of that first incredible week builds one on top of the other, until it is capped off with the pinnacle of His creation--humanity. Each day commences with God saying, "Let there be" and the power of His Word is unleashed to do a new thing--a glorious thing! Each day concludes with God's assessment, "God saw that it was good." There is one notable exception--a superlative is added with the fashioning of the man and woman and the completion of God's creative activity: "it was very good."

All was intended to get to that point--to prepare air for man to breathe, water to drink, material to build with, food to consume, a mate to share it all with as they would fill the earth with their kind, to the glory of God!

So, God has a purpose for your life--a master plan He has prepared. His Word, spoken into your life can powerfully bring it about. Every resource needed to be all God wants you to be is yours in Christ--the One engaged in that beginning, beginning a fresh work in you--and it will be a good work--a very good work indeed! As you daily come in humble submission to His Word, the same Spirit which hovered over creation will teach you and form you into God's image. This will be a new year and bring a new you! How exciting!
Here is the promise: "I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6)

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