Tuesday, January 03, 2012


"May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in His works." (Psalm 104:31)

History is His story--the story of God. George Guthrie in "Reader's Guide to the Bible" suggests that "God is the hero of the story." The Bible is a Book about God. While it is true that we can see the hand of God in all the events of human history--it is when we view them through the lens of Scripture that we see the story behind the story. We can, as it were, "read between the lines." But, when we come to the sacred history of the Word of God, all we need to do is read the lines! There is no cryptic code to break--God is clearly seen!

God is a God of revelation. He desires to communicate with us and has designed us with the capacity to commune with Him. All of His creatures were fashioned with the intent of bringing Him glory, but of all His artistry, men and women are His masterpiece! We are for His glory and more--we can share His glory! How awesome is that!

Such a thrill stirred the heart of the psalmist to burst into praise in the lyrics of Psalm 104. He gazes back through the corridor of time, to the time when time began and the golden dawn of earth's history, as God spoke all things into existence--and it is not the existence of the marvels of creation that captivates him, but the Creator who is the object of his attention and affection. So it should be for us.

Do not look at creation and miss the Creator. Do not look at history and fail to see it as His story. Do not read the Bible routinely, but expect to meet God in its pages. To God be the glory!

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