Wednesday, January 04, 2012


"He drove man out and stationed the cherubim and the flaming, whirling sword east of the garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life." (Genesis 3:24 HCSB)

It began like any other day--a perfect day--with sun shining through the cool morning mist, making the drops of dew that dotted every blade of grass sparkle like diamonds. The birds that filled the trees, burst into a chorus of praise to announce the arrival of this wondrous day--and they all were. The fragrance of every variety of flower imaginable--all in brilliant bloom--pervaded the garden with their perfume. The bees drew out their sweet nectar--but they never felt the need to sting anyone. There were no thorns on the roses--no weeds intertwining the delicate stems of nature's bouquet choking them. The king of beasts shook his majestic mane, yawned, blinked at the sun beaming through the lush limbs of the branches above, sought more shade, rolled over and drifted back to sleep while two lambs frolicked nearby. One of them, drew close and playfully nudged the lion with his cold, wet nose. There was no fear--there never was--in this garden of absolute harmony. Eden! It was just another day in paradise.

Adam opened his eyes. He stretched, sat up and looked around. Smiling, he reached over and gently stroked the face of a stunning beauty--her whose face had not a blemish nor wrinkle. It was the dawn of another glorious day--each one remarkable--and now time to rise because they had an appointment. In the coolness of the morning, the Creator would come to walk with them in the garden. That was the joy of joys as they listened, learned and laughed with the Lord God strolling along. It was just another day in paradise!
That is what Adam and Eve expected. But, not this day. There was another creature--a serpent with skin brightly painted, his voice melodious, walking near the tree of forbidden fruit. Yes--walking--because that's what serpents did in paradise. But this serpent was dangerous--filled with a malignant spirit; its body housing the hater of God--the rebel, Satan. It was time for him to strike. He coiled with anticipation, mind whirling, plot forming. It was not just another day in paradise.

You know how it turned out. Adam and Eve were turned out. They turned from God and to their own way. Everything changed that day. The foulness of evil brought consequences immediately and the effects like an evil epidemic have now ravaged the planet--paradise lost. Now, each day brings sweat, suffering, strife and sorrow. Death reigns; judgment looms. Guilt, shame, the blame game--paradise lost.

But, where sin abounds, grace does much more abound! Paradise taken; promise given. The Seed of woman would crush the serpent's head one day. The tree of life removed would be restored and the terror of death overcome by His death--and resurrection!

So, this Seed of woman--Mary's virgin born Son, the Son of God, would walk into another garden, bow in submission, take upon His shoulders all the sins of all the sons of men across the sweep of time, carry them to the pinnacle of a skull-shaped hill where there would be another tree. On that tree Jesus would hang, pay the price for our sin and in His pain take away the sting of death.

A blood-drenched cross, an empty tomb--and through faith in Christ, once more everything changes! There is coming another golden daybreak--all shadows forever banished, tears forever gone--where into that eternal day, the children of God will be welcomed back to walk with our Maker in unbridled joy, unbroken peace and unfathomable love! The lion lies down with the lamb. It's always that way. Just another day in paradise
Just another day in paradise? What a day that will be--and it never ends--a truly perfect day!

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