Tuesday, September 03, 2013

THE SHEPHERD’S STANDARD: The Dignity of Shepherds

“A bishop then must be…of good behavior…” (1 Timothy 3:2 NKJV)

Greek scholar, Kenneth Wuest, relates concerning this word:
“Of good behaviour” is kosmion (κοσμιον), which speaks of order as against disorder. The word could be rendered here, “orderly.” Expositors suggests, “perhaps dignified in the best sense of the term.” [1]

There is a dignity about the office of the pastor, and we must conduct ourselves accordingly.  It doesn’t mean we strut around with our nose in the air as though we are special, but that we humbly behave as those chosen by grace to a high and holy task.

Wuest’s suggestion that the term could be translated, “orderly” is precisely what the Good News Bible does.  Considering this reminds us of Paul’s injunction to the Corinthian church, “Let all things be done decently and in order.”  (1 Cor.14:40).

It is not only “what” we do, but the “way” we do things in the church that matters.  There is a template of propriety that should be superimposed over all church functions.  The shepherd sets the standard in this.

The way a pastor conducts himself conveys a message, and not just what he speaks from the pulpit.  We cannot tolerate hypocrisy in our lifestyle that would lead someone to exclaim, “You mean he’s a preacher?!”  All that we do and say is to enhance the office we hold.


Blessed Lord,
I praise you for the grace you have bestowed in choosing frail men to be shepherds of Your flock.  It is an honor to serve You and I pray that You would give us the wisdom and strength to fulfill our responsibilities honorably.  Help us do the right thing, the right way, the right time and with the right motive.
In the name of Your Son, Jesus,

[1] Wuest, K. S. (1997). Wuest’s word studies from the Greek New Testament: for the English reader (1 Ti 3:2). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.

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